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Recent news

New Premises
We have moved to our newly refurbished offices in Mansel Street Carmarthen. If you are new or exisiting clients, please feel free to come down and have a look.

Law Society's Conveyancing Quality Scheme
We are pleased to announce that Morgan Elis has successfully joing the CQS Scheme:
The Conveyancing Quality Scheme (CQS) provides a recognised quality standard for residential conveyancing practices. Membership achievement establishes a level of credibility for member firms with stakeholders (regulators, lenders, insurers and consumers) based upon:
the integrity of the senior responsible officer and other key conveyancing staff
the firm's adherence to good practice management standards
adherence to prudent and efficient conveyancing procedures through the scheme protocol
This scheme creates a trusted community which will deter fraud - year on year, we will drive up standards.
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